Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 202 - purple drops

I made these, again from stuff I found at a craft shop. I stuck with the idea of simplicity (well, and purple, of course) and I think the result is rather pleasing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 201 - bigger silver loops

It occurred to me today while thinking of what to say about these that they are basically the big brother of my silver loops from Day 165. Pretty much the same basic shape but these are wider, rather than longer. I notice now that they're also shinier, since they're newer. I should attack some of my older earrings with some polish at some point, I guess.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 200 - necklace clasp beads

This pair I made myself from a necklace clasp and some beads. I think they look better as earrings, but maybe I'm biased since I don't wear necklaces. Either way, as earrings I think they turned out pretty well. They certainly worked beautifully as my 200th pair. And to celebrate I took a helicopter ride around the Franschhoek valley:

Day 199 - Austrian feathers

My sister bought these for me in Austria. When she bought them she sent me a message telling me she'd bought me the coolest earrings ever. "Totally the bestest earrings you will ever own" were her exact words. She is not far wrong. They're awesome. And I think I shall use the long one as a counterpoint to any orphan earrings I find.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 198 - Chinatown hearts

Chinatown ... check. Tinkly ... check. Light enough to not try to dent me in the Southeaster ... check. Need I say more?

Day 197 - silver droplets

I keep looking at these on my earring holder and wanting to wear them but every time I think to myself "No, you've worn those already" so I pass them over. But a thorough scour of my blog after rehearsal on Tuesday revealed that I have not! I think I confused them with my silver berries.

Day 196 - greenish circles

I don't know where these are from but it's clear from the faded colour that they've been around a while. In fact, the colour and pattern remind me of the tent in A Knight's Tale that Mark Addy eventually is forced to turn into a tunic for Heath Ledger:


Gosh, I do love that film.

Day 195 - flower chains

I like these because they're simple but pretty. But they're also very light so I do tend to forget I'm wearing them and then have a mild panic attack because I think I'm earrlingless.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 194 - silver squares and zebra circle

It turns out I've lost the other zebra circle, rather annoyingly. Oh well, I can use the remainder to offset a rather smaller pair that a friend gave me because she doesn't wear them. They're cute. They're a bit small but worn together on one ear, they work.

Day 193 - Christmas bells

These started life as Christmas decorations but I think they make much more interesting earrings. And many people agree with me on that. I wore these on Saturday when I went to get my hair done and got almost as many compliments on the earrings as on the hair:

An interesting new thing with my hair this time round - my stylist put grey in it. Like, on purpose. I was skeptical, but, as I mentioned on Day 128, the last time I got my hair done, I just let my stylist do whatever. And she says grey is a very in colour right now. Everyone seemed to like it so she clearly knows better than I do.

Day 192 - Bokke earrings

As I said on Day 188, green isn't really my colour. These I only ever wear with a rugby or cricket top. And since Friday was the start of the Rugby World Cup, it was the perfect day to wear one. Unfortunately I realised I left my rugby t-shirt at my sister's house so I couldn't actually wear it. Oops. But I wore the earrings anyway, just to show my support in a uniquely obscure Kim way.

Day 191 - red chandeliers

I was quite excited when I realised I hadn't yet worn these in the challenge because they're an old favourite of mine.

Day 190 - black sparkly commas

I've had this pair for absolute ages but I don't really wear it all that often. Which is a pity because they're actually rather fun and different. For some reason, they make me think of Him from the Powerpuff Girls ...

I guess it's the sparkliness and I suppose the shape is rather similar to his claws.

Day 189 - Targaryen three-headed dragons

There's a rather interesting story behind these earrings. Something of a mystery. These arrived at my work last week, a couple of pendants on necklaces. So I assumed, since they were addressed to me and there were two of them, that they were destined to be turned into earrings. I hadn't ordered them but I assumed they were from my earring enabler or my mother, both of whom have bought me things and not told me about them in the past.

However! There was a twist in the tale. Neither Nelis nor natural parent (OK, I realise that's an odd choice of phrase but I so wanted to keep the alliteration going!) had any knowledge of them at all. In fact, I still haven't worked out who ordered them and sent them to me. Thank you, whoever you are: they make a fantabulous pair of geeky earrings!

Day 188 - green sweeties

I'm pretty sure these were a gift from one of my high school friends. Green isn't a colour I wear very often so these generally only get worn when I wear a rugby or cricket supporter's top.

Day 187 - pentagonal gold cages

I think I got these at an earring stand in the middle of a mall somewhere. In fact I'm pretty sure I got them because there was a sign that said "3 for R100", which could basically just read "Kim is R100 poorer now".

Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 186 - silver swirls

A last supplementary collection pair before I head back home to Cape Town - these are also my
sister's. Wore them on Saturday as I left the wondrousness of the game reserve to head back to real life. Still, an elephant popped by for breakfast to say goodbye.

He's apparently a regular at the lodge. He has one normal tusk and one abnormally straight one so I told the ranger he must be a multi-tool and he should be called Leatherman.

Day 185 - purple beads

Another supplementary collection pair, though this time these are my mother's. I had to because I'd run out of noisy earrings from the ones I'd brought to the game reserve and these were quite musical. Plus, they're purple.

Day184 - elliptical orbits

These are actually from my supplementary collection, rather than my primary one. By which I mean they belong to my sister and I just borrowed them. I took them into the Kruger Park on an absolute scorcher of a day. By the time we got back, it was noon and around 35 degrees. There was nothing for it but to spend the day in the pool. With champagne, of course.

Day 183 - red diamonds

These are very similar to my blue diamonds from Day 97. Only, obviously, they're red. And they clack noisily enough to work as game reserve earrings, which is obviously important. Wednesday's theme was, rather pleasingly for an alliteraphile, warthogs.

Day 182 - flutes and pendulums

Another tinkly pair, keeping with the game reserve theme. I have managed to lose the partners of both of these earrings but they work quite well together so I keep them around. The left-hand earring makes a nice musical tinkle in the breeze.

They tinkled around the game reserve on what turned out to be Rhino Tuesday: we saw 17 of them! I got a lovely picture of two of them pretending to be a pushmi-pullyu:

Day 181 - tinkly leaves

Another good pair for the game reserve because of the sound they make in the wind. Our ranger commented that the noise made him less inclined to apologise for the squeaky suspension in the truck.

We thoroughly approved of the ranger at our lodge - he was funny, friendly and a fertile font of facts about the flora and fauna. In one conversation about vultures, he told us that Saturday September 5th was Vulture Awareness Day. Unfortunately he didn't quite enunciate his words clearly so my mother heard "Saturday was vulture Wednesday". Damn vultures and their strange weeks.

Day 180 - game reserve earrings

As promised earlier, I went game reserving with my earrings for a week. I always wear these when I go to the game reserve. The wind blows them around as we drive so they make a lovely tinkly sound.

The game reserve in question was Mjejane, just across the Crocodile River from the Kruger Park.

It was a spectacular week.

Day 179 - masks

My sister actually made these using masks she bought in Venice. Since she had no jump rings, she cut lengths of a necklace chain to hang the masks at the desired length. It's rather effective I think and the result is an interesting and fetching pair of earrings.

Day 178 - starfish

I made these myself using stuff I found at Feel Good Stuff at Long Beach Mall. That is the dangerous place full of fun beads and thread and other crafty goodness that I mentioned in my post about my homemade mosaic earrings.

Also, since these are starfish, I have an unmissable opportunity to reminisce about my amazing Kenya trip because we saw starfish when we took our glass-bottomed boat ride in Mombasa.

Day 177 - red eyed things

I have no idea what else to call these things. Are they seahorses? Well, no, because they're the wrong shape. OK, so are they snakes? Possibly, but why the springs? Snakes don't have collars. Maybe they're wearing leg warmers like penguins.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 176 - Austria zebra leaves

My sister bought me these in Vienna, proving that she completely gets me in the earring department. In fact, she sent me a message from Austria claiming to have bought me the most incredible earrings I will ever own. She was not wrong. These are not those, however. Still, I do love these a lot. They are different, they are fun and they make a wonderful tinkly noise.

Day 175 - purple wooden drops

Can't remember where I bought these, though something like Frozen Lemons seems likely. Wherever they're from, many shades of purple plus a light material results in a perfect pair of Kim earrings.