Well, having said yesterday that I don't really wear pink a lot, here we find some more pink. Although actually I maintain that these are more purple than pink and therefore completely Kim-kosher.
Another diamond formation, this pair, though in a 1-2-2-2-1 arrangement since the elements are a bit bigger. I wear these quite a lot: they make a lovely sound when I move my head. It's like I'm a cat with a bell on its collar.
Today's pair also marks the two-month point of this challenge. Doesn't feel like it though. I still take an age to pick my earrings each morning because there are so many to choose from. Still couldn't tell you if the collection will last the whole year but it certainly is showing no signs of running out any time soon. And by the time it does start flagging it'll probably be October and then there'll be a huge influx of new pairs for my birthday from all my myriad fans. Right?