Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 40 - sunflowers

This is another pair I made myself. I searched high and low for ages for sunflower earrings but I had no luck in my usual haunts: the fun jewellery shops and Chinatown. In desperation I even tried the expensive jewellery shops who I usually don't bother with because they only stock small sparkly things which are so not for me. And of course I had no better luck there. 

So I thought I'd make my own and started searching for things I could turn into earrings: I tried craft shops, toy shops, art shops, hardware shops, silly gift shops, even flower shops. Nada. Until finally I stumbled into a Crazy store one day and found a pair of children's sunglasses. Which I promptly broke apart, drilled holes into and voila! Earrings.

They had to be sunflowers, because I needed something to go with my t-shirt from Calendar Girls, which my dramatic society (CDS) did in 2012. That was my first foray into Cape Town community theatre and I loved it! I had only been in Cape Town for under a year and didn't really know anyone so I thought community theatre was a good way to meet people. I was right: these are my people.

(It has occurred to me that due to the nature of this challenge, I now can't wear my Calendar Girls t-shirt again until the challenge is over because to wear it without these earrings would be akin to sacrilege. Hmmmm.)